TheCanuckWerewolf Read online

Page 4

  “So you haven’t ever slept with her?”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not going to lie to you. I have slept with her, but it was nothing serious. And the last time I was with her was over a month ago. I also made it clear I was done with her. She followed me here thinking she’d be able to change my mind.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “Damn it, Rylee.” Atticus looked at the three teenage boys who were avidly listening to their conversation. He closed some of the distance between them. “We need to finish this in private.”

  She shook her head. “No, we don’t. As far as I’m concerned, this conversation is over.” Rylee turned to walk back to her tent, but Atticus had her by the arm, turning her toward him after one step.

  “Rylee, please,” he said. “Don’t do this. I meant it when I said I wanted us to last longer than the weekend. What can I do to get you to give me another chance?”

  She yanked her arm out of his grasp and crossed her arms over her chest. “For starters, where is Marla now? If she means nothing to you like you said, you should have had no problem sending her on her way.” At Atticus’ silence, Rylee shook her head. “You didn’t send her away.”

  “I did. She refused to go. I have no intention of going back to my campsite tonight. Tomorrow morning she’ll be gone, even if I have to physically put her in her car.”

  With a laugh that held no humor, Rylee said, “Well, don’t expect me to invite you to sleep in my tent.” She slowly backed away. “Leave, Atticus, and don’t bother coming back.”

  Finished all she had to say, Rylee turned and walked to her tent. She didn’t look at Atticus as she crawled inside and zipped it closed.

  * * * * *

  After leaving Rylee’s campsite, Atticus headed for the hiking trails and the thicker bush. He plunged into the trees and went deep enough to keep what he did from mortal eyes. Drawing on the spark of magic that lived inside him, he used it to bring on the change. He held out his hand and saw it gradually shimmer, blurring as he shapeshifted into his wolf form. His eyes would be glowing as well. Atticus willed his clothes away at the same time.

  Once the change was complete, he took off in a loping run. Usually going wolf and running made any anxiety or stress he felt melt away. This time it didn’t work. In this form, the mating urge was stronger. The need to go back to Rylee, claim her as his mate, was almost too much to resist. She was his, goddamn it. And it wasn’t as if he could just ignore his mating urge and it would go away. It wouldn’t, especially after his having had a taste of her.

  Atticus ran a little faster, winding his way unerringly through the trees. Somehow he had to earn Rylee’s trust again. He had to convince her Marla meant nothing to him, and never had. Rylee had willingly gone into his arms once, she’d do it again. He just had to show her a second time how good they were together. To do that, he had to get close to her, really close to her. And he knew the only way that would happen was if he didn’t give her a chance to refuse him. Like sneak into her tent and wake her with his lips and tongue.

  A course of action set in his mind, Atticus decided he needed to wait a little bit longer to make sure Rylee would be asleep when he arrived at her campsite. Making a wide loop back to where he’d started from, he heard the sound of a branch snapping in front of him. He stopped as the figure of another wolf moved out from behind a thick tree.

  Keeping to her wolf from, Marla walked silently toward him. She’d purposely stepped on the branch to let him know she was there, since her scent was downwind of him. Like all their kind, she could move in the trees without making a sound. He snarled his upper lip when she drew even with him, rubbing her side against his. Her dark blonde fur contrasted with his white. He snapped his teeth at her, causing her to quickly jump away.

  Marla circled around to his other side and attempted to brush up against him once again. Atticus knew what she tried to do. She wanted to entice his wolf, but he wanted nothing to do with her, same as the man. Rylee was now the only female for both of them.

  A second attempt was more than Atticus could stand. He used his body to shove Marla away before he charged her. He clamped his jaws around her throat and took her to the ground on her back, holding on as he growled. She yelped, then whimpered, her tail coming down between her legs.

  Even though Marla had submitted, he held her by the throat for a few more seconds before he released her. She jumped to her paws, her tail still tucked. After he growled and snapped his teeth once more, she spun away. To get her moving, Atticus gave her a none-too-gentle nip to her rump.

  Satisfied she wouldn’t try to approach him again at least for the rest of the night, he continued on his way to Rylee’s campsite.

  * * * * *

  Marla only went as far as it would take to make Atticus think she’d left him. She stopped and hid herself behind a wide tree and cautiously peered around it. She watched the white wolf lope away. He might have thought his display of dominance was enough to have her running back to his campsite with her tail between her legs, but he was dead wrong. Just as he was dead wrong about being able to cut her out of his life so easily. Atticus wasn’t her mate, but she wanted the prestige that came with being known as the mate to the next pack leader. Some mortals married for power or to better their social status, why couldn’t she?

  Once she figured Atticus had put enough distance between them, she moved out from behind the tree and followed, making sure she kept downwind of him. Her hackles rose in anger when she realized he took a long route to another campsite. Marla kept way back out of sight, but with her keen eyesight, she easily saw the two tents set up. Shifting her gaze to the white wolf who hadn’t left the trees, she saw his body shimmer and blur as he took on his human form. He then silently made his way into the campsite, walking a direct path to the smaller of the two tents.

  Furious he would seek out the mortal when he could have her, Marla silently eased deeper into the bush. It disgusted her that Atticus would actually want to claim the woman as his mate. The mortal needed to be taken out of the equation if Marla ever stood a chance of snagging Atticus as her own.

  Chapter Four

  On silent feet, Atticus stepped out of the trees at the back of Rylee’s campsite and walked to the two-man tent. He kept his ears open for any sound coming from the other larger one, but didn’t hear anything. It was late enough for Rylee and the three boys to be asleep.

  He crouched in front of the small tent and slowly unzipped the flap. Atticus crept inside and did it back up again. The sound of Rylee’s deep, even breaths in sleep met his ears when he turned toward her. She lay on her back, zipped up in a sleeping bag on top of an air mattress. He ran his gaze over her. Just the sight of her made him ache. Marla had been right about one thing—his father would be furious with him for binding himself to a mortal mate. Not that Atticus cared. He’d already started to fall for Rylee, hard, and he wasn’t going to give her up for anyone. He just had to convince her of that first.

  Atticus crawled over to Rylee. He froze in place when she shifted and quietly said his name on a breathy sigh. The smell of her arousal filled his nose, making his cock instantly rock hard. A smile played across his lips. She dreamed of him. Rylee wasn’t a female werewolf, but she seemed to be affected by the mating process. Females didn’t have a mating urge, but once they met their soon-to-be mates, they had erotic dreams about them just as the males did.

  Taking it as a good sign, Atticus cautiously opened the sleeping bag. Rylee still wore her jeans and t-shirt. He stretched out beside her on his side, supporting himself on his bent arm. After a quick check to make sure she still slept, he used the tip of his index finger to circle a taut nipple that showed through her shirt. Rylee moaned, arching her back.

  He plucked at her nipple as he bent his head and tongued the other, wetting the material of her t-shirt. Rylee moaned again, pushing her chest closer. The scent of her arousal increased in intensity. Dropping his hand as he tugged at the tight bud
with his teeth, Atticus placed it on her mound. Using his fingers, he stroked her pussy through her jeans. In response, she lifted her hips.

  “Atticus,” she said on a whimpered moan.

  He lifted his head and said loud enough to wake her, “I’m right here, Rylee.”

  She jerked and her eyes fluttered open. “Atticus?”

  “It’s me.”

  “What the hell do you th—”

  He cut her off by turning her head his way and sealing her lips with his. They remained stiff, but eventually softened as he licked and sucked, not backing down. Angling his mouth for a tighter fit, he stroked his tongue along the seam of her lips. Much to his pleasure, Rylee opened, giving him access to fully taste her. Their tongues met, twining, tasting.

  She groaned into his mouth as she kissed him back hungrily. With a hand on her hip, Atticus rolled her to her side and against him. He lifted her leg and put it over his hip as he ground his throbbing cock against her pussy. Rylee draped her arm around his shoulder, stroking his back as she matched his movements.

  Releasing her mouth, he said huskily, “Give me another chance, Rylee. I meant every word I said about Marla being nothing to me. I only want you. It will always be you now that I’ve found you.”

  “I want to believe you, I really do. But how can you know that already? And you did kiss Marla.”

  “No, I didn’t. She kissed me. I only held onto her to stop her from unbalancing me. And I did bite her to show her I thought she’d gone too far. She knew that. She only said what she said to piss you off.”

  “Well, it worked.”

  “Too well.” Atticus rolled Rylee to her back and shifted so he lay half on her with a leg between hers. “Marla is just a spoiled bitch who doesn’t like not getting what she wants. She’s more interested in me because of what I’ll be once my father steps down than me as a man.”

  Rylee reached up and ran her fingertips along the side of his jaw. “You don’t have to worry about that with me, since I really don’t know anything about what your father does, nor does it have any bearing on how I feel about you. I will say it hurt to see you with Marla. I have a hard enough time believing someone who looks like you would actually find me attractive.”

  He kissed her again, showing her she had nothing to worry about. Once he had her panting and clutching at his back, he lifted his head only far enough to say, “Why wouldn’t I want you? You’re beautiful, more so than Marla, because you’re beautiful on the inside as well where she never will be. You’re everything I could ask for in a mate.”

  “A mate?”

  Atticus silently cursed himself for not watching what he said. “I meant girlfriend.”

  To stop Rylee from saying anything more about his slip-up, he took her mouth again. He closed his eyes to hide them from her as he kissed her the way his mating urge demanded. Carnal, hard and possessive, he fed from her lips, his tongue twining with hers.

  His cock throbbing in time with his rapidly beating heart, Atticus lifted his leg to press against her pussy. Rylee moaned into his mouth while she rode his thigh. The heat of her soaked through his jeans and into the skin beneath. He needed to touch her, feel her skin pressed to his.

  In two swift movements, Atticus had Rylee stripped of her shirt and bra. He took hold of the back of his t-shirt and yanked it over his head, tossing it against the side of the tent. Settling back on top of her, he reveled in the feel of her taut nipples brushing against his chest.

  He made a wet trail of kisses along the side of her jaw to her ear and swirled his tongue inside it before he gently took the lobe between his teeth and tugged. Continuing downward, Atticus licked a path to where Rylee’s shoulder and neck met. He nipped her there. It was a spot where he wanted to feel her sink her teeth into him and leave a mark to show he was hers. A bite there was also one of the greatest turn-ons for a male werewolf.

  Shifting lower on her body, Atticus lifted one of her breasts and swirled his tongue around the taut tip. Rylee arched her back, offering him more. He opened his mouth and sucked the nipple inside. Her husky moan made his cock jerk and pre-cum leak from the tip.

  He continued to suck at her breast as he brought his fingers down to the top of her jeans. He undid them and shoved his hand down the front of her panties. His fingers encountered wetness when he caressed along her pussy. The feel of her so wet for him, he wanted nothing more than to bury his cock inside her and pound into her. She’d let him, he knew she would, but not yet. Marla had almost screwed things up between him and Rylee. He didn’t need to mess it up himself by claiming her before she knew what she would be getting herself into.

  Atticus switched to her other breast and pushed two fingers inside her pussy, stroking in and out. Rylee’s inner muscles clamped around them, making him wish it was his cock they squeezed instead.

  Plunging his fingers faster, he used his thumb to flick her clit. Rylee gasped, lifting her hips to match the pace he set. Letting go of her nipple, Atticus lifted his head to look at her. Seeing she had her eyes shut, he used the opportunity to observe her. She was even more beautiful with her lips swollen from his kisses and her cheeks flushed with desire. He wanted to watch her face while she came.

  Moving his fingers in a determined pace, thrusting as deep as they could go, he worked her harder. Her soft moans filled the small tent. “Come for me, Rylee.”

  “So close,” she panted. “Just a little bit more.”

  To push her over the edge, he added a third finger, his thumb rubbing her clit at the same time. As she came, her face formed a mask of pleasure. A loud, whimpered moan pushed out of her. To stop the boys in the other tent from hearing her, Atticus surged up and covered her mouth with his, swallowing the rest of her cries. He didn’t release her lips until she’d settled beneath him.

  Hiding his eyes, he closed them and rested his forehead against hers. She caressed his back. “You’re not going to fully make love to me again, are you?”


  “I can’t understand why you’re holding off when it’s what both of us want, but I won’t push, since what you’re doing to me instead is pretty damn good.” She pushed on his shoulder until he rolled onto his back. “I’m not selfish, so it’s my turn to make you feel as good as you made me.”

  Rylee’s fingers fell to the top of his jeans and she made short work of undoing them. With a few tugs, she had them worked past his hips and down his legs. Atticus kicked them the rest of the way off. Free of its tight confines, his cock jerked as she ran a finger down its length.

  “Did I ever tell you I like that you’re just as big here as the rest of you is?” she asked while trailing her fingers up and down his shaft.

  “No,” he said in a tight voice.

  “Well, I do. If you’re not going to put this big cock of yours inside my pussy, I’m going to have to put it inside something else.”

  A growl threatened to break free when Rylee straddled his legs, bent and dragged the flat of her tongue along the same path her fingers had taken. Keeping his eyes shut, Atticus focused on her every touch.

  She wrapped her hand around his cock and pumped it up and down. Unable to hold still, he lifted his hips, helping her work him. It felt good, but he didn’t want to come by her hand. After a few more pumps, Rylee’s fingers circled him in a firm grasp as she licked the head of his shaft like she would an ice-cream cone. She was going to kill him.

  “Rylee,” he said with a groan.

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she took him inside her mouth. A low growl rumbled out of him. She sucked on his cock, taking him almost to the back of her throat. His shaft hardened even more. What she couldn’t handle, she stroked with her fist.

  Lifting his head, Atticus cracked his eyes open. The sight of Rylee’s head bobbing up and down as she sucked him off was enough to have his balls drawing up close to his body. The point of no return raced up to meet him. Grinding his teeth to stop from howling, he climaxed, giving her everything he had.

nce she released him, he pulled her down on top of him with her head pillowed on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. As blowjobs went, that one had been pleasurable to the extreme. Making love to Rylee would more than likely be nothing short of mind-blowing.

  Their breathing back to normal, Rylee lifted her head. “You’re still hard. This is the second time I’ve made you come and you were able to keep it up. Is this something you can do all the time, or only once in a while?”

  Atticus chuckled. “What would you say if I told you I can stay hard for hours, even after I’ve come more than once?” And he could. All male werewolves could keep an erection for that length of time, coming several times before going soft.

  “Then my reply would be I’m one lucky girl. So when do I get to try this nifty ability of yours? Other than just with oral sex?”

  “Before the end of the weekend. I promise you.” Atticus tucked some of Rylee’s hair behind her ear. “I want you to get to know me better first.”

  “I thought that was what we were doing?”

  “We are, but there are some things about me I’m not ready to tell you.” He felt her stiffen against him. “I assure you it isn’t anything bad, at least I hope you won’t think it is.”

  “As long as it isn’t another ex-girlfriend who will come to hunt you down and try to take you away from me, I guess it can’t be all that bad.”

  He ran his hand up and down her back. “No, it isn’t that.”

  She drew circles on his chest. “Whatever it is, Atticus, don’t wait too long. Too much more of what we’ve been doing and it’s going to frustrate the hell out of me.”

  “I promise I won’t.”

  For one thing, his mating urge wouldn’t allow it. Tomorrow he’d use the day wisely to try to slowly ease into the topic of him being a werewolf and her, his mate. If he did it right, she’d accept him for all that he was. If he didn’t, there was the real possibility of her running from him in horror.